Profile photo of Andre Le Mont Wilson

Andre Le Mont Wilson, MA

Small Business Development Center Manager

Andre has been with Ability Now Bay Area since 1994. He is the manager of the Small Business Development Center. His job involves coordinating the curriculum and directing the staff and participants in learning Cornerstone, a program that teaches micro-enterprise owners how to operate their own businesses. Andre was also instrumental in launching and building a program that teaches people with disabilities how to operate vending machine businesses.

In 2012, the California State Legislature awarded him with a Certificate of Recognition for his long service to the developmentally disabled community. Andre is also a storyteller and has performed throughout the Bay Area. He helped four participants get published in Wordgathering, an online literary disability journal.

Andre has a Master of Arts in Art History from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from California State University, Northridge.