Ability Now Bay Area participants enjoyed the beautiful weather this July by taking part in multiple events during the month. From going to the zoo to hanging out with a Tyrannosaurus Rex, there were so many different outings to choose from that everyone was able to find something fun to do!
The Oakland Museum of California gave participants the opportunity to view multiple exhibits, including the Gallery of California History. It looks like the motorcycle was a hit!

Participants got to see lots of animals up close and personal at the Oakland Zoo, including lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Lunch outside on the patio was an added bonus.

More participants visited Jelly Belly’s factory in Fairfield, one of our most popular outings. Not only did everyone get a chance to see how these sweet treats were made, they got to see some incredible art made from these little nuggets too.

The Oakland A’s were cheered on (again) by fans from Ability Now. Going to the ball games is becoming a summer tradition for our participants here. Go team!

Participants visited the Westbrae Nursery in Berkeley to see the variety of plants and trees and learn about them. They also stocked up on a few plants to bring back to the center as part of our horticulture program.

Participants got to see fossils up close and personal at the UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology’s Valley Life Science Building. Although the museum is primarily a research museum, the fossil exhibit is on display outside of the collection and can be viewed, free of charge.