Ability Now celebrated Easter on Friday, March 25th with egg coloring, bowling and one big dance party! The day began with regular classes in the morning, but by 10:30am the party started with an Easter egg hunt on the patio followed by a Dance Party with dance instructor Leia Cash.

Leia teaches dance at UCSF’s Benioff Children’s Hospital and Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP). She also teaches dance to individuals with disabilities through the Ed Roberts Campus. Leia led the participants through a variety of music styles, including samba, salsa, cha cha, as well as old time swing and hip hop.

After lunch, the participants chose from a variety of activities to partake in, including bowling, Spring bingo, egg dying and crafts, and more dancing. After a full day of fun – and the announcement of the Jelly bean count winner, Lori Prior, – the participants headed home for their own celebrations over the Easter weekend.