Ability Now is proud to become a Media Partner of the Disability Visibility Project (DVP)™, an online community dedicated to recording and sharing disability stories, and aims to collect the diverse voices of people in the disability community and preserve their history for all. The DVP is a community partner with StoryCorps, a national oral history organization.
Media Partners of the Disability Visibility Project are individuals or organizations who are friends and allies of the campaign that encourage the disability community to participate and share their stories. Nine of Ability Now’s participants will tell their personal stories for the DVP.
The Disability Visibility Project was founded and is coordinated by Alice Wong, MS, a Staff Research Associate at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF. Alice works on various research projects for the Community Living Policy Center, a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. She is also an Advisory Board member of APIDC (Asian Pacific Islanders with Disabilities of California) and served as a Presidential appointee to the National Council on Disability (2013- 2015), an independent federal agency charged with advising the President, Congress, and other federal agencies on disability policy.
Ability Now is thrilled to be able to participate in and support this incredible project that gives a voice to individuals in the disability community. If you would like more information on the Disability Visibility Project or are interested in participating, please click here.