
Carole Anderson
Aging and Disability Executive

Alan Sauer
Immediate Past President
Independent Consultant

Leslie Visbal
Vice President
CEO, Visbal Strategic Consulting

Noeta Hester
Case Manager, Queen of The Valley Acute Rehabilitation Center

Donald Ramos
Banking Consultant

Peter Carolan
CFP & Managing Partner
Stelvio Private Wealth

Kevin Hanratty
Attorney (Retired)

Dennis Lum
Kaiser Permanente Executive (Retired)

Bruce Morotti
Pro-Bono HR Consultant

Louise Nathe
Healthcare Sales and Marketing (Retired)

Ken Shrum
Customer Service

Jase Teoh
Senior Director, Academic Technology
About the Board
The Board of Directors of Ability Now Bay Area (Ability Now) is charged with providing effective governance to the organization. As trustees of a nonprofit organization, they comprise the highest governing body legally responsible for carrying out Ability Now’s mission, safeguarding the organization’s assets, and ensuring the future of the organization. The board is responsible for providing clarity of mission and strategic direction for Ability Now, as well as giving guidance, assistance, and oversight to Ability Now’s Executive Director.
The board, as individuals committed to the mission of Ability Now, also may provide a wide range of support to the organization at the direction and discretion of Ability Now’s Executive Director. Individual board members may provide support in areas such as resource development and fundraising, program development and implementation, and public relations and advocacy.
Members of the Board of Directors of the Ability Now Bay Area are expected to commit their best efforts to serve Ability Now. The responsibilities, functions, and duties of the board are divided into four major roles: oversight, policymaking, leadership, and fiscal oversight.
Board Roles and Responsibilities include:
As overseers, the board
- provides advice and counsel to the President and Executive Director;
- determines qualifications for, selects, employs, evaluates, and dismisses (if necessary) the Executive Director;
- provides orientation for newly elected board members and ongoing development for all members of the board;
- provides for the replacement of board members unable to serve; and
- recommends prospective leaders to the nominating committee.
As policy-makers, the board
- formulates, reviews, and revises governance policies that guide Ability Now activities; and
- delegates responsibility for the execution and administration of related procedures and practices to the Executive Director.
As a collective group of leaders, the board
- approves objectives, policies, strategies, and plans that relate to strategic planning and long‑range goals;
- creates standing and ad hoc committees and defines their responsibilities;
- establishes goals and program priorities;
- approves Bylaws amendments prior to official ballot approval by voting members;
- responds to professional, societal, political, and ethical issues that affect the mission, vision, purpose, and activities of Ability Now;
- assesses programs and direction in relation to the needs of the individuals served by Ability Now;
- balances the diverse interests of the membership and public while ensuring the continued functioning of Ability Now;
- helps advance strategic alliances, collaborations, and other affiliations;
- serves, upon request, as a representative of Ability Now(for example, to offer a public address or to speak) when requested in support of Ability Now’s goals and purposes; and
- forecasts changes in society, and the specialties that have an impact on Ability Now’s mission, purposes, and activities.
As individual leaders, board members
- attend and participate in all board meetings, committee meetings associated with their role, leadership conferences, and other functions as requested (board members are expected to attend 100 percent of board meetings or request an excused absence in advance.)
- serve as mentors to new board members and committee chairs;
- accept assignments to at least one committee or task force, work with the committee’s chair to maximize its effectiveness, and serve as an advocate of the committee to the board;
- lead Ability Now’s activities in your community of residence or employment, including fundraising, information gathering, promotion of Ability Now’s activities, and advising the staff and board about issues deserving of Ability Now’s attention;
- review, evaluate and promptly respond as necessary to minutes, action items, and other materials;
- complete reports on assignments associated with the role or as delegated by the board;
- make informed decisions representing the best interests of Ability Now staff and participants;
- be knowledgeable about the content associated with Ability Now’s work;
- serve as role models in making a personal and meaningful financial gift to Ability Now’s ongoing and annual fundraising campaigns and activities. (Board members are only expected to make contributions in amounts according to their capacity to give.);
- participate actively in Ability Now’s fund development activities, including helping Ability Now staff and key committee leaders plan and orchestrate fundraising events, solicit corporate sponsors and gifts, meet with potential funders and sponsors known to them to discuss funding opportunities to support Ability Now’s work.
As financial stewards of Ability Now, the board
- ensures the fiscal well-being and proper financial administration of Ability Now;
- reviews and authorizes Ability Now’s annual budget;
- examines the financial audit of accounts at the close of the fiscal year;
- authorizes reimbursement methods for Ability Now’s major expenditures through the establishment of Corporate resolutions
- approves funding for special programs created for the maintenance and growth of Ability Now; and
- advises and/or secures professional advice on matters relating to funding and investments.
The Board of Directors is made up of 15 to 25 voting members. Ability Now’s Executive Director is an ex-officio, non-voting member. Members are elected to the Board by a majority vote of the entire Board. Eligibility criteria, specific functions, and terms of office can be found in the Ability Now Bylaws. All elected and appointed officers are required to sign Consent-to-Serve and Conflict of Interest forms.
Duties of the Board President
The Board President serves as the chief elected officer of Ability Now; represents Ability Now and its interests; exercises personal leadership in motivating officers, staff, and committees; provides leadership in the establishment of goals for Ability Now and works in partnership with the Executive Director. The President’s responsibilities are to:
- preside at all meetings of the board and ensure that meetings are conducted in accordance with the Ability Now Bylaws;
- prepares, with the Executive Director, the agenda and reviews relevant materials for meetings over which the President presides;
- keep the board, and committees informed on the conditions and operations of Ability Now through periodic reports.
- solicit board member input on organizational and professional issues;
- direct the board in formulating policies and programs to meet the goals and aims of Ability Now and work with the Executive Director to see that policies and programs furthering the purposes and aims of Ability Now are planned and presented to appropriate committees and the board for approval;
- act as an immediate consult and supervisor for the Executive Director and conduct an annual review of the Executive Director’s performance;
- act as a spokesperson for Ability Now to the public, press, legislative bodies, and related organizations and, as required, designate individuals to represent the Center;
- appoint committees and task forces identified during the term of office;
- serve as an ex-officio member of all Ability Now committees, except the nominating committee.
Duties of the Vice-President
The Vice-President assists the President in carrying out the functions of the President’s office. The term as Vice President serves as an orientation for the upcoming term as president. Responsibilities are to:
- assume the duties of the President in her or his absence,
- serve as a member of the executive committee
- represent Ability Now as requested by the President and/or Executive Director,
- oversee the appointment process for all Ability Now advisory panels, committees, and task forces that will serve during his or her term of office, and
- collaborate with the Executive Director and President in decision-making and planning.
Duties of the Secretary
The secretary ensures that records are maintained of all Ability Now board meetings. Responsibilities are to:
- ensure the recording of minutes for all sessions of the board and executive committee, submit minutes to the President and Executive Director for review and approval and ensure that the minutes are distributed to all board members prior to the next board meeting.
- ensure the conduct of meetings according to Roberts’ Rules or similar guidelines,
- ensure all board proceedings are conducted in accordance with the established Ability Now by-laws
- serve on the executive committee
- represent Ability Now as requested by the President
Duties of the Treasurer
The treasurer is responsible for and ensures the maintenance of appropriate records of all funds and securities of Ability Now and serves as Chair of the Budget and Finance committee. Responsibilities are to:
- review financial statements and fiscal status on a regular basis,
- ensure that regular financial reports are presented to the board and the finance committee,
- serve on the executive committee
- represent Ability Now as requested by the President.
Join the Board of Directors of Ability Now Bay Area
For more than eighty years Ability Now Bay Area has been facilitating development and growth in those we serve – individuals who want to strengthen and broaden their knowledge and proficiencies while building skills and solutions that diminish the barriers of disability and offer them more opportunity and independence.
Each of our participants has a self-directed plan for their own continuing development and a positive vision for their present and future selves.
If you resonate with the idea of keeping an essential organization thriving for decades to come, consider Board service with Ability Now Bay Area. We are seeking passionate, thoughtful, and experienced business and community leaders who want to make a difference in the lives of those who need us today, tomorrow, and always.

Bruce Morotti
“As a long-serving Board Member, it’s always been a joy to serve a community of vibrant adults with special needs who simply wish to live a fulfilling, enriched and active life.”

Noeta Hester
Board Secretary
“ANBA board is a wonderful training ground for being a board member. I have become confident in my role as Board Secretary being supported and encouraged by a top-notch group of individuals.”
Our Board of Directors also has a plan for the organization’s ongoing development and sustainability, and we seek new Board member recruits to join us in playing an essential role in supporting this acclaimed organization, and in helping make these visions and dreams come to life.
ANBA has a clear vision of the Board’s Roles and Responsibilities and seeks to further strengthen our solid foundation with the addition of members with experience and knowledge of:
- Government regulations, policies, funding, and strategy serving people with developmental disabilities
- Local or State political leadership
- Estate, trust, real estate, and general practice Law
- Facility management
- Digital marketing & fundraising
- Planned “Legacy” giving
- Strategic Planning
- Professional development
- Other Board service skills
If you are inspired by the work we do and motivated to apply for Board service, please consider the roles and responsibilities detailed above, and submit the application linked below.